FAQs related to financial support and tuition

  • Q1: Are there any scholarship or assistantship opportunities?
    • The department does not offer any assistantship to students in this program because this is a professional degree. You should be prepared to self-fund yourself if you want to work on this degree program.
  • Q2. How much should I pay for tuition?
    • The tuition and fee information can be found from https://uar.nmsu.edu/tuition-fees/ . For example, for non-resident, the rate per Credit (1 – 14 Credits) when enrolled in >6 credits in Spring 2020 is 985.70. Then, the total cost of one semester taking 9 credits will be 8871.3. The total cost of finishing a degree then depends on the total number of credits that you need to finish.
  • Q4. I am not sure whether I am eligible for in-state tuition. Who should I ask?
    • Please contact University Student Records for information about whether you would be eligible for in-state tuition. Their email is records@nmsu.edu or phone (575) 646-3411.
  • Q5. How much will I be paid if I get graduate assistantship (GA)?
  • Q6. I would be categorized as a spouse of an active-duty military. Is there any funding opportunity for me?
    • For information about what is available to you as a military spouse, please contact the Military and Veteran’s Programs at mvp@nmsu.edu or (575) 646-4524.